Inspiring Businesses Serie
Inspirational business stories to learn from.

In 2020, the strategic team of 4Geeks Payments and Allan Porras, Founder & CEO of 4Geeks, thought about the difficult situation that many businesses nationwide were facing as well as their low sales due to the Covid-19 pandemic, experienced by different sectors of the economy and labor force in the country.
To figure out the situation more closely and consider the businesses that have relied on the payment gateway by 4Geeks Payments to complement their businesses. We agreed to provide spaces for their business venture to reach more people and potential customers.
From this agreement, the "Inspiring Business" program was born.
Initially, we thought about the possibility of interviewing each business through a video call, but this idea was shortly dismissed. We did not want to highlight the fact of the video being recorded in times of pandemic. Why limit the life of the video and reduce it to a few years? Therefore, we decided to wait for the best moment to restart the program, because our goal is to benefit each business with a video that will be useful for many years and can be used on different platforms.
In February 2021, with the new sanitary measures and with all the necessary responsibilities, the project is resumed.
What does it involve?
Businesses that inspire is a project of 4Geeks Payments developed with the support of 4Geeks Productions. Both units belong to 4Geeks.
4Geeks Payments is in charge of choosing retailers from a list to send them the invitation to participate in the program. On the other hand, 4Geeks Productions is responsible for recording and producing the entire video.
How are the businesses chosen?
The purpose is to inspire others to become entrepreneurs and dare themselves to start in the world of eCommerce. Businesses had chosen by the strategic and production team 4Geeks units, who analyze the stories of these businesses.
The Inspiring Businesses program has an audiovisual format. These businesses share the story of their companies, and how has it been the experience of entrepreneurship?
What was the reason that motivated them to start their own company? What situations have they faced? How have they handled the pandemic situation? And most importantly, How have they overcome it?
This video format seeks to inspire other entrepreneurs and teach them real examples that it is possible to start a business in Costa Rica. To show any idea you have can come true with commitment, passion, and dedication.
We want to provide them with support and exposure to reach a wider audience through this program participation. It means that we use all 4Geeks social channels, databases, and our entire network of contacts to leverage your offer. Besides, the trade will have their story in a video, which will serve as a reminder of how hard they have worked to fulfill their dream.
4Geeks Payments contacts the chosen merchants/retailers and presents them the proposal. These chosen merchants are free to accept or decline the invitation.
What is the cost of joining the program?
It is necessary to clarify that the production of this video has no additional cost for businesses. The creation of this video has the sole intention of supporting the merchants that have trusted us for several years.
The first video will be released on April 14, 2021. We have videos ready to publish; other videos are in editing and scheduled dates for recording. The 4Geeks Productions team works efficiently in producing videos, so the final product is a professional and quality video.
The beauty of this project is to get close to each retailer’s story. Realized the variety of merchants existing in Costa Rica and understand that there is an opportunity for everyone when offering a product or service.
The following playlist will show a new story at every single week. Hope you enjoy it.
Written by Maria Toledo