The Best Day to Send an Email Campaign

The Best Day to Send an Email Campaign

The email marketing strategy in a company is not only a planning tool, it can also become the best allied to strengthen branding and consolidate a corporate trajectory.

We must be clear that e-mail marketing may or may not be successful, however, it is even more important to understand that we are gambling the good reputation of the company.

So, we will start knowing what is emailing strategy?:

Today, many companies use millions of marketing tactics, this is one of this. The intended aim is to allow send emails promotions to a selected, logically and available list of potential customers in order to approach them.

But, why to use the mail?

Mailing is one of the oldest way of communication, today, thanks to the digitalization era, we can access easily and quickly to our correspondence from our smartphone.

According to the SocialMediaToday, a digital media company that reports business news, the email open rate from mobile devices has increased by 180% in the last three years. Becoming in to the best media way to match with the costumers.

Despite constantly we received entries in our emails and immediately we verify them, the big marketing managers ask themselves, what is the best time to send email marketing and get the attention from these potential customers?

To know the answer of this question, we must know The Target.

For a campaign to be effective, the first thing we need is a “Marketing List” that is no more than an updated and segmented register of clients with profiles and characteristics that allow the identification with the products marketed by the company.

If you want to know how to create this list you can take a look at this video.

Once this list is filtered, let’s analyze the perfect moment when the readers will pay special attention to our campaign, and for this we will focus on their weekly plan. Just remember the mission is help us approach our customers knowing their likes and preferences.

According to the study from 2017 of GetResponse the campaigns sent at 16 hrs indicate the higher open rate.

However, let’s see what is the behavior of our customers during the week.


Certainly, Monday is often a busy day, customers returns from their weekend so they use to be disconnected from business issues and it is very difficult to keep their attention.

Generally Monday’s tasks consist on:

• Clean the email inbox,
• Prepare the weekly plan,
• Attend meetings,
• Be updated and prepare pending reports.

Regardless of everything we have mentioned, in certain cases, particular clients will be able to read the campaign in the afternoon, because we expected the workload decreases.


Once the Monday tide is going out, early in the morning the clients are willing to pay attention and invest time into our sent emails, because they consider it is a good time to make decisions.

The Recommendation is to send this emails before 8-9 am or between 12: 00-16: 00


As we know, Wednesday is the central day of the week, so it minds our clients are hard at work. However, statistically, is the best day of the week to send newsletter and that is because they will be particularly receptive due in terms of productivity, the needle is in the highest part.

Of course, everything will always depend on the previous knowledge we have about the clients included in our list.


It also an acceptable and reasonable day very early in the morning, between 8 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. The clients usually find topics to release stress and forget the daily routine.

Remember, the competition knows all these records and we must pay special attention to the branding and services we offer to avoid falling into the spammer email group.


Technology products demonstrate a greater receptivity on Fridays. So, we can provide and offer a lot of possibilities for our clients. This mind they will pay special attention and interest when they open our newsletters allowing us a great way to offer all our products and services.

Definitely this whole topic is about showing everything around and what is involved a startup. How we can to avoid and prevent, by all means to achieve the headline “Spammer” and fight with the competition.

The recommendation is once you have selected the day and time for the campaigns, you just have to maintain it and promote the expectation by the client.

Tell us about, your experience sending email marketing and if the statistics match with your practices.

Radar opened.

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