Best Way to Get First Paid Customers

I have seen tons of digital products die, because of many kind of reasons, but the main reason is because they can’t get enough customer who pays for their product. So, you know… that product will die very very soon.
My role in 4Geeks is helping companies or individuals to build profitable digital products. My own experience in past projects (includes wins and a lot of mistakes) is letting me to advice another companies in the right way. Ohh!! It’s important to say that my team in 4Geeks is so talent.
I will provide you some espectacular techniques that helped me to get our first customers. Hope it can help you too:
#1. They need trust in you:
No body will give money if they don’t trust in you. It’s so basic to understand that people out there will not give you money if they can’t trust in you, as a honest and valuable person. So, the first step to be trusted by other people is helping.
Helping? That’s correct. You need to provide the larger quantity of value to your community. The sells will happen later.
So, if you are distributing a digital product, focus on create a community and feed them with good content every single week. Here you can get support in Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and so.
Remember: value, value, value…then sell.
In another posts I will guide you with some tips to build a strong community on social media.
#2. Expose your customers reviews:
Social selling is so powerful and maybe did not know it. People are taking important decision based on other people’s decision. If you understand this, your business can grow
If you manage a software product, the easiest way to get customers feedback is on your Facebook Page. So, users can write a review right there, 100% public. Take a look at the following screenshot:

If you need help to setup reviews and rating on your Facebook Page, please consult this support page and expose your customer reviews. Easy peasy.
#3. Have a plan:
After start getting paid customers on your company, you need a plan. This plan needs to be so congruent with your goals and budget, and it can help you. It’s not necessary this be the perfect plan. Use your family and friends feedback to tuneup your plan.
A robust plan will help you on a second or third stage, when you need to create auto process and speed up operations.
Internet is a powerful gun to let you reach millions of people in one minute. What’s your plan?
I would like to suggest you to read Crush It!, by Gary Vaynerchuck. Here a preview:
#4. Focus on customers:
Your product or your company maybe is so brilliant, but your product is nothing without paid customers. That means you need paid customer to have a real business. So, please please please focus on building a strong customer engagement.
In this point, the customer service is so crucial.
You can use some auto marketing tools like chat on your webpage, newsletter, exclusive content, forums, Facebook Groups. In 4Geeks Payments, for example we run a chat room for developers, API documentation, guides and so.
In other posts I will guide you to how to use a email marketing and chatbot tool to drive your attention into your customers, automatically.
#5. Don’t be afraid to request payments:
Do you know what’s the main reason that companies are not charging users? It’s because they are not requesting payments. Why? Because they don’t trust in their solution or service. It sounds so weird, but it’s true. Don’t panic. It’s a common mistake when you are a early entrepreneur.
To fix this, you have to learn how to close a deal, but before you need to trust in your team, in your product or service… and you need to build empathy with your customers. You company goals depends on you.
If you already have a plan and if you need help to building your digital product, with no matter your industry, maybe my team here in 4Geeks can support you. Just fill out this contact form and an expert will guide you to the next step.