Despacho Carvajal stores tons of work-documents on cloud via 4Geeks
Despacho Carvajal is one of the best accounting firm in Costa Rica. They help another companies to dealing with finances, numbers and legal topics.

Despacho Carvajal is one of the best accounting firm in Costa Rica. They help another companies to dealing with finances, numbers and legal topics.
So, they created SPT (“Sistema de Papeles de Trabajo”) to store important client documents, spreadsheets and photos. A lot of information is added every day.
Despacho Carvajal was needing a secure, modern and fast way to store tons of documents on the cloud and access to it daily from anywhere.
In 4Geeks we setup all the cloud infrastructure in Google Cloud Platform. It includes, dedicated Linux instances (with SSD disks to run Linux), MySQL instances and Cloud Storage service to storage tons of documents, completely scalable.
We provided a secure way to deploy new SPT versions.
Frontend: PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS
Server: Google Cloud Platform