The 4Geeks Podcast (14): DevOps - How to adopt a Culture Transformation, with Leonardo Murillo

The 4Geeks Podcast (14): DevOps - How to adopt a Culture Transformation, with Leonardo Murillo

We often think of DevOps CI/CD as a 100% automated solution for the management and development of our projects and infrastructures, delivering results in "less" time.

But this perception makes many of us limit our teams, companies, and own potential. Are we really aware, that the key to implement continuous improvement, must start at a cultural level?

Here our guest, Leonardo Murillo, cloud-native technology expert, CTO of Qwinix Technologies, and DevOps Institute Ambassador will take us through a journey from what is DevOps, what it is known as today, to the relevance of adopting DevOps as a culture transformation that must go hand in hand with a culture of IT Security, because yes, we still don't drop this topic. It's like Math it must be part of everything!

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