How Robotic Process Automation Could Boost Your Company

How Robotic Process Automation Could Boost Your Company

Entire industries around the globe are looking for the way to achieve more results with minimal investment in time and money. But the thing is most of companies can not find the right way quickly, and obviously it will die, by being ate for some other smarter companies with no fear to change.

Thanks to technology today we have some tools (or ways) to get a huge ROI (Return Of Investment) with the minimal effort. This is not a calling to be vague or something like that: on the contrary, my purpose is letting know you about new smarter ways to make better business.

Ok. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is the key. Basically RPA is to programming computer to do common tasks, quicker and safer. And you can put this concept on almost any are of your company. RPA is your new employee.

RPA is more than a simple chatbot, it includes Machine Learning to automate business process. For example, entering or updating data on your ERP (and other internal systems you use) as it new leads come. A chatbot triggers a RPA bot who creates the signature.

Myths and Truths

It’s 2018, but even there are small-mindset owners. That’s normal. It ocurres because they don’t have the right information.

Myth #1: RPA is for big companies

This is one of the most common phrase I have heard from small business owners, because historically the best and powerful business tools were only for big companies. It’s an understandable paradigm.

Thanks to modern technology, today small and big companies can access the same benefits. The difference is on their owner’s mindset. RPA is not only for big companies, in terms of money and infrastructure. The investment is proporcional to the quantity of customers/employees.

Myth #2: RPA is expensive

Sure, RPA does have initial implementation costs. These include the provisioning of IT infrastructure such as databases, servers, network, etc. Running costs are largely time related and centre around the ongoing delivery and maintenance of processes, maintenance of underlying infrastructure and support.

You already knows that an expensive investment is when your return is less than the initial investment. This is not a bet. So, in this case, by using tools your consultant company can help you to predict the final impact, in order to measure the building and implementation cost.

Remember one thing: RPA will be your 24/7 employee. No tired. No excuses.

Are you a startup with limited budget? Pay as you grow.

Myth #3: RPA will replace humans

I know tons of people, including CEOs and engineers, think that RPA will replace them, and it will kill their business. Please, stop thinking on that way. Forget it! Drop it!

I strongly see humans using the bot’s power to boost and do smarter business.

As I said before: bots will be your 24/7 employee.

RPA uses cases

Now you knows the benefit of implementing RPA skills on your business, to analyze or operate processes. So, please let me describe some RPA uses cases… hope it can inspire you.

Ok. Here at 4Geeks we love to help business to implement automation process, that it can be translated to better business performance, saving, growth. Let us know if you need help.