JessyFit team up with 4Geeks to deliver home-gym routines

JessyFit provides custom home-gym routines in a challenge way to their community, delivered by the app and assisted by their gym lovers.

JessyFit team up with 4Geeks to deliver home-gym routines

The pandemic was a nightmare for those in the health industry, but also for those who lived on the sidelines. JessyFit knew they could help by updating their service to produce home workouts. They found themselves with new goals and obstacles such as exercise equipment shortages or budget cuts that made it difficult for them to reach these goals.

Name: JessyFit
Descrition: Home-gym routines
Country: Costa Rica
Website: Instagram page
Solution: 4Geeks Payments

JessyFit, founded by Jessica Madrigal, is a fitness company that provides gym-home routines to their users. The pandemic brought with it many new challenges and JessyFit strives to provide a better quality of life for people who may not be able to workout in the traditional way due to their condition.

JessyFit offers programs designed by certified trainers, built around the needs of individuals, which can be done at home or in a private studio.

Listen below the great story of Jessica Madrigal, who fixes herself multiple times thanks to fitness.

JessyFit, Negocios que Inspiran.


4Geeks helps JessyFit give shoppers an easy way of paying for challenges with credit cards without leaving checkout 24/7 - that means no more waiting around, so it improves user experience.

Automatically they receive deposits direct to their bank account weekly. The best part of this is that JessyFit never had to request additional services from a bank, or sign any physical paper.

The 4Geeks Payments onboarding process allows a merchant to start accepting card payments in 3 days (or less)... with no coding skills needed.

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