HealthQuo connects patients to verified medics, thanks to 4Geeks
4Geeks built MedicOnline (formerly HealthQuo) a video health online consultation with verified medic around the world, dedicated to solve humans issues.

MedicOnline is a health online services platform, to connect patients with verified doctors. 4Geeks helps to plan, design and build the MVP. This web system was built in Python (Django), using real time (webRTC) technology. HealthQuo was deployed in the DigitalOcean cloud platform.
MedicOnline is based in UK but it’s open to entire world and provides a communication channel between healthcare professionals and people, allowing them, thanks to technology, to be closer as they had never being before

As a healthcare professional you will be able to offer your services to people that you could have never reached. As a patient, you can seek for professional guidance from verified and certified professionals who will provide you the best attention and service.
In this project we are handling some technologies to ensure the running correctly always. Yes, is hosted in cloud, of course, making a load balancing through several instances around the world.
For backend side 4Geeks used Python, the 5-star programming language for projects with deadlines. 4Geeks engineering team also used WebRTC to ensure everyone can use their webcam and mic without installing any plugin, just using their browser. After each appointment, MedicOnline generates a PDF with the prescription and doctor’s notes.
Right now we are working on it, to enlarge the features list.