One Page Marketing Strategy (Cheat Sheets Included)

We are used to really long marketing strategies, and complicated decisions on the way. The goal with these cheat sheets is to help to organize the ideas and establish an order into the strategy. Also allows us to make decisions based on what have already worked before, the competitors, and new experiments.Let’s start.

Ideal Customer Description:
The first part of the sheet cheat its a little space where you are going to describe your ideal costumer. While you’re doing this the questions you want to focus on are the following: demographics, psychographics, and possible challenges and problems the customer could be facing. And of course how can you solve their problems with your products or services. You should have in mind that your demographics are going to change depending on the type of business you’re running. For example a B2B(Business2Business) their demographics might be the type of industry, the job title of the individual or even consider the quantity of years the business has been in the market. For B2C should be things like the age, the income and where they live.
Next the physcopgrahics: it’s about understanding their live style, for example what do they like to do?. How is their lifestyle? Are they busy most of the time or maybe have a lot of free time. What kind of things are searching online right now? , what are triggers for them?. Lastly the challenges or problems that your possible customer is facing or is going to face in a near future.
Because we want to do an example with you doing this step by step we are going to use as an example the service of mentors. Mentors is a brand new program that lasts a whole day, here at 4Geeks. The objective is to give guidance and orientation on how to overcome challenges that the company is currently facing and also materials, analytics information that would help your company to expand. Here is what the ideal customer description would look like
Ideal Mentors Customer Description: Business interested in learning how to solve their companies problems in an efficient way. Usually this customer can be defined as someone well educated and with interest in growing both personally and professionally.
6 Basic Needs of Costumers
Anthoy Robbins was the psychologist that came with these six core basic needs, that drive everything we do. So marketers like to align their ideal costumer with the priority of these needs. Here i’m going to do a little compilation about every one of them.
Need 1 – Certainty and Comfort:
The first human need is certainty, this implies how much risk are you willing to take in your life, or in this case because we are talking about customers. How much risk they are willing to take in their investments. These come with the rule that the higher the need for certainty the less risky decisions are going to accept. The certainty is a survival mechanism that humans have evolved with time and evolution. And it’s related to how secure your customer feels and how much control they want to have.
Need 2 – Uncertainty/Variety:
The variety in this case comes related to the topic of spontaneous decisions.Are your clients going to be happy if you surprise them with new features with your service or product ?.Or they’re the kind of customers that may be very attached to a certain execution and design and dislike very big changes. As usually happens when your target market is a population of older age and with little adaptability to changes
Need 3 – Significance:
The product that your customer is buying is making a significant life change?. Depending on the type of consumer maybe are the ones that spending a lot of money can make them feel significant or having big bargains about something to brag. You have to identify the stereotypical kind of customers, and what characteristics feel that increment the worth of what you’re selling to them.
Need 4 – Love & Connection:
In the fourth basic need you have to ask yourself, do my clients need to feel connected to the brand that I’m creating. Well in some cases creating connection with the brand can create fidelity and depending on the product or service that you’re giving this process can become fundamental.
Need 5 – Growth:
It is important for your clients to grow?. Well lets see an example, if your case is that you’re selling a coaching or mentoring program the growth is what are they really searching for.. But if you’re selling another kind of service or product that’s not related at all to personal growth or the business. You can find that these needs can be placed in the last position. For example if you’re selling hair care products personal/business growth is the last thing that matters to them.
Need 6 – Contribution:
The final two needs: contribution and growth have the same objective, to determine the level of happiness. it’s where the customer defines if the purchase they just did gives them a sense of satisfaction and fulfillments. The more value is perceived by the customer, the more likely it is that the purchase will be repeated or that referral will be generated
What they want:
In the next step, we are going to put what triggers those basic needs. For example following the mentoring example a few tasks that the client might want to accomplish are:
- Guide on how to overcome certain obstacles that the company faces.
- Make a change in their business strategy.
- How to accomplish growth.
- How to accomplish growth.
In the case that you’re selling products instead. Let’s say that you’re in the food industry and you have a restaurant. The guideline for what the customer might want could be:
- Good price for quality ratio.
- Comfortable atmosphere and good lighting
- Properly Prepared Food and good presentation
- Menu Flexibility. Diners often have food preferences, allergies or other dietary restrictions
- Payment experience without delays.
Buying criteria:
This part it’s about doing a little research about your market. For example let’s say you have a retail business where you sell women clothes to go to the gym. When you do these questions, maybe one of the first answers, it’s going to be comforting. But we need to have on top of our minds that the buying criteria is different to importance. Comfort is a characteristic that has to be assumed since it is sport wear.
The buying criteria in these cases can be related to design of the clothing, availability in different sizes, support bra, and material from which the sportswear is made. Criteria should be weighted to align the importance of each criteria selected.
In this step you’re going to put everything that could affect the sales decision, let’s follow the mentors example.
- Good content and google analytics based data
- Marketing strategies that prove they have been successful
- Content that is easy, entertaining and outgoing.
- Give new business perspectives
- Materials and work templates.
Marketing Message:
Big USP: This statement is the first big promise you want to convey to your customers
Example: Easy to apply to your business and entertaining.
Big Promise: In the step the big promise compiles what the client its going to accomplish or get when they bought your products. Or maybe the big pain you’re going to relieve by doing this or that.
Example: With the mentorship program you’re going to see improvement in the next weeks
Big Benefit: What is the main benefit that your clients are getting?
Example: Overcoming challenges or stagnation that the company currently faces.
Big Proof: The last tip for doing a marketing massage is a statement that makes you trustworthy. Maybe the company has been doing really good deals in previous years or maybe the CEO usually makes informational content that it’s really useful.
Example: Showing previous webinars and podcasts related to the topic.
What stage are you on?
Filling Pipeline Follow up
In this step is time to select the stage of the project you want to execute. If you are in the beginning and don’t have any leads, we are in the first one. That corresponds to the filling pipeline. In the case that you have some leads and what to establish a follow up strategy then you’re in the second one.
Following the mentors example in this case, we choose the Filling pipeline because it is a brand new service, next you need to establish the marketing strategy according to the selection made above. For this we are going to use the next part of the template.
Next we have three types of moments while filling the pipeline:
The first one is about selecting the list of efforts that generally work to get people customers. The following is the competitors strategy, look ahead what are the most successful competitors. They’re already there because they identified their optimal marketing strategy. The value in this is borrowing what could work for us, minimizing the time searching for options or doing experiments.
The third list it’s about recognizing what strategies had worked in the past, you should ask yourself the questions in which ways we get to those clientes?. The fourth list is about new strategies that you want to try that can be innovative.
In the past we’ve been using blogging and producing podcasts as a way to give useful contento to the public. And one of the tactics that usually worked before were the mailing campaigns, at the beginning with just a small talk and then with a more direct strategy.
After we collected all this information we should be able to recognize what is my optimal marketing strategy. The ideal way to go on with is choosing the three most powerful marketing efforts, because it can became quite difficult to manage more than this
The efforts that you want are going to change depending on the industry that youre working with and the different markets. For example if you have a business of reselling cars the referral strategy and referral partners need to be one of the most important and not SEO.
Next in the case you’re doing a strategy focused on giving follow up to current leads , you have the same dynamics of what has worked in the past, what is your competition doing right now, and what is the new experiment or strategie would you like to implement.
So the next part of our one page marketing plan. It’s talking about the sales and marketing goals and how are we going to accomplish them?. So you’re going to establish the revenue goal for the next twelve months. In this case, I already know that the cost of mentors it’s about 1000 USD
So for the company goal im definiying a revenue goal of 50.000 to 85.000 goal. Next we are going to develop the next exercise. If our top goal is to accomplish 85.000 annually per month we should raise about 7000 dollars a month. And the average price of a product is 1000 usd. So if we divide the monthly goal between the average price we are going to know the monthly sales goals.
Next, Let’s suppose we have a multiplier lead of 10. For every 10 leads that company gets, one becomes a sale. Then we multiply the cuantity of monthly sales needed by the lead to sales multiplier and have an estimate of how many leads the company requires to achieve the goals that were set.
So the next step I go into is now what are the action steps that I’m going to follow in order to make this goal real.
Marketing strategy to carry out:
Okay, we are meeting one of the final steps. When we were deciding on how to fill the pipeline we chose three or four strategies to follow right?. The next step is all about how to develop the strategies and what tasks we are going to help accomplish the ultimate goal.
It is important to fill in the boxes with just an average of how many leads you will need and how many sales are necessary.
So we finally decided to focus on the top 5 categories. Public Workshops it’s a latest trend that has gained popularity in recent months. Becauses of the crisis we’re facing, giving content of value has evolved into one of the most important on online marketing.
So the strategy is to focus on giving webinars twice a month, and making the sale on the back end. What do we mean with sales on the back end?. Many webinars are giving away for free nowadays and so much information is given with ease that customers are least likely more than ever to buy this kind of content unless you have already gained popularity and the name. So if you’re new in creating this content the ideal is to make a special offer to the attendees. let’s do quick easy math.
If we do two webinars a month with 100 visits per webinar, this is going to be 200 marketing qualified leads. Using the leads multiplier that we talked before if we have a lead multiplier of one for each ten. Then we will have about 20 SQL(Sales qualified lead). And that’s how you keep narrowing down until you get to the final 2 real customers. Giving the total of two sold mentoring programs for one thousand dollars each. You-re going to repeat this exercise with everyone of the activities you choose
Side note: Some of the strategies are not about generating direct sales, but to raising awareness about the brand and creating a trustworthy environment between you and your clients. That’s why some of the activities are marked with a question sign.
You need to have in mind that depending on the kind of business the kind of strategies needed to be changed. For example if you work on real estate, webinars are not the most appropriate way to get your possible clients. In this case circle making referral partners and go on and groups of people searching for apartments or houses.
Marketing Calendar:
Now this is very important, one of the best things you can do to leverage your marketing. is to align your calendar with special holidays, promotions or special dates like anniversaries. It’s really helpful if you have a company that has seasonal demand or maybe you just want to do a promotional campaign to motivate your customers to make extra purchases.
Let’s say for example that you’re a medium size company that sells flows. You already know that for Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day there will be a considerable increase in sales. So better stay ahead of time and plan what are the best promotions, or campaigns you would like to run. Let’s follow the exercise we have been focusing on.

Revenue Goals:
Next we’re going to calculate the ROI (Return of the Investment).or each investment. But first, what is ROI?. ROI is a financial metric to measure the gain or loss generated on an investment. The advantages of using ROI is how flexible it is and that can be manipulated for diverse uses, for example on different potential investments or the return on as stock.
Here is the formula: ROI = (Net Profit / Cost of Investment) x 100
So the final step of your one page marketing strategy is to calculate what is the ROI for the multiple strategies you want to use. Here I did a little research. And making webinars have an average cost of 100 dollars. So twice a month for a total of 200 dollars. Gives us a ROI of 400.