4Geeks Blog

Product engineering, growth hacks and official updates from 4Geeks, a trusted partner for startups and enterprise.

This Is How Internet Works


If you are reading this article you have an Internet connection (or a very special power that should be sharing with the world). We know that the data is going

Blockchain 101 and industries


> The blockchain does one thing: It replaces third-party trust with mathematical proof that something happened. – Adam Draper There are no final words on blockchain, and that’s because Blockchain

DevOps For Business


In 4Geeks we always want to deliver successful products, using the right technology for each project. Since some years ago DevOps culture has been increasing exponentially and We agreed to

Why to Focus on Build a MVP First?

Startup founders are coming crazy over-thinking a solution and the look and feel. Some of them are spending a lot of time and money thinking in what great, and getting

Google Cloud vs AWS. Is it One Better Than The Other?

Cloud computing has increase on its usage in big steps. We are a time where to have a cloud infrastructure reliable, secure and cost-effective is pretty much easy.  At the end of the day we want to see our money well invested. At 4Geeks

Chatbots: Are You a Human or a Bot?

Alan Turing, for more than one a God and from my point of view was the one who triggers this actual concept of machines. It was during 50’s when

Where do I start with Go?


If you remember a few weeks ago I was talking a bit about Go, you can watch the video here and I told you about some of Go’s many

Starting and changing mindset with Elixir

Created in 2012, Elixir is functional and dynamic language, which make a real option if we want to create a web application. Since, Elixir runs under Erlang virtual machine (BEAM), which make it really stable and mature. Created by José Valim, who is a

How Important Is Take Care of the Company Culture

At the beginnings, 4Geeks started working 100% from home. Maybe was a mistake. Maybe was part of the process. And that was very difficult to grow. Lesson learned. Are your company right here? The point is that some months ago to moved to a

Goodbye to jQuery as dependency on Rails

One of the most popular Javascript [https://4geeks.io/engineering/javascript] libraries was used as a dependency on Rails and has a lot to do with the opinions of its

Introducing 4Geeks Payments

Product Updates

The business landscape has undergone a dramatic shift. Gone are the days of one-off product sales dominating the market. Today, subscriptions reign supreme. From the ubiquitous presence of streaming services

3 Ruby Gems to Code Analysis

By using Rails We can explore an endless of tools that We can use a more efficient and quick code. Also, We can find tools that allow us to review our implementation.There is a lot to be listed and ready to go, but

Identifying videos with Google Video Intelligence

Google is the API-master company in the world, putting awesome ideas and helping a lot of companies around the globe to make great software, and now is the opportunity for video. Many months ago Google launched a service to analyze photos… I mean, to

4Geeks at Outsource2LAC 2017

Hi folks! On this week we participated at Outsource2LAC [http://www.outsource2lac.com/] event here in San Jose, Costa Rica. This event has become the most prominent Outsourcing and Offshoring forum. It’s all about business meetings, and 4Geeks was there! 4946 Business Meetings.

Set virtualenv on Python projects

Sometimes we need different python [https://4geeks.io/engineering/python] packages versions in different projects. It’s like to have 3 computers, and running a different Python [https://4geeks.io/engineering/python] project on each computer, and the first project is using Django [https:

How we are deploying Django projects to AWS

Internally, we are constantly looking for the best way to deploy some Django [https://4geeks.io/engineering/django] projects to AWS [https://4geeks.io/engineering/aws].  Some people prefer to use automated process (yeah! automated deploys). This is just a step. There are a

How We Ensure the Best Devs to Work On Your Project

Getting developers is a so huge task, no matter the technology or country/region where you based. We know it. Today, startups is spending a lot of time and money on looking for the right people to their product development. And is very important

A/B Testing free course from Google

Google is offering an A/B Testing free course [https://www.udacity.com/courses/ud257]. Just to need to open an account in Udacity, and start building the next 4Geeks member 🙂 This course will take, approximately, one month (studying 6 hours per week). 100%

Parse will shutdown on 2017. Here what you can do.

I know a LOT OF services running on Parse. Bad news: Parse will shutdown on 2017 and a lot of startups probably are thinking “what a hell I’m going to do?”. “We have a difficult announcement to make. Beginning today we’re winding

Free Python course from CodeSchool


Hey guys. Sunny day here. I’m just writing you because I want to share with you a free Python [https://4geeks.io/engineering/python] course from CodeSchool. This course

How to value a company pre-revenue to give out equity?

Equity is the most popular “payment way” to co-founder’s startups. So, how many equity?  Equity in no-early stage will be money, a lot of money! This title is was the same question title [http://members.founderdating.com/discuss/4481/How-to-value-a-company-pre-revenue-to-give-out-equity-for-partners] in FounderDating.com