How Can We Manage Stress In Teleworking?

Currently most of us are working from home, for many it has been the best opportunity and for others it has become a great challenge.

How Can We Manage Stress In Teleworking?
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM / Unsplash

Hello everyone, this week I'm back with some tips that can be useful to cope with work stress and the new normal. It's no secret that the pandemic has turned our world upside down, it has affected our studies, lifestyles, social activities and work patterns.

Currently most of us are working from home, for many it has been the best opportunity and for others it has become a great challenge.

Aspects such as confinement, lack of internet connection, not having a suitable space, lack of equipment, family distractions and especially thinking about what is happening worldwide does not generate a strong headache and makes us feel in limbo of the situation, for this reason I will give you some tips for you to manage the situation.

1. We must accept the current situation.

In this situation the virtual modality has been influenced by the pandemic, for this reason we must understand that it is for the welfare of us and our loved ones. We must accept and be aware that we are not the only ones suffering at the moment, but that millions of people worldwide struggle daily to get ahead, that is to say, it is a struggle for all of us.

2. Let's organize our daily life.

It is important that at the beginning of the week we take a few minutes and organize the pending tasks, but I do not mean to close ourselves in a cyclical routine that bores us, but establish a different spontaneous activity that makes us get out of the comfort zone, for example, exercise, go for a walk, watch a movie, order something delicious to eat or other activities that allow us to pamper ourselves.

Let's do all this outside of work time, either before, after or in our rest time, with this we will achieve our goals and objectives both personal and work.

3. Let's leave loneliness aside.

I have noticed that loneliness is one of the strongest threats that has been presented to us in teleworking and why do we think so? Many times we leave aside the daily meetings, the support between teams or the communication through social networks and business platforms.

That said, we don't look for ways to stay connected and support each other. The tools and companies exist, but we don't take advantage of them.

4. Let's think healthy

The most powerful weapon we human beings have is our mind, and if it is a tool that can play a dirty trick on us, let's remember that everything we think we attract.

If we constantly have negative, demotivating and fearful thoughts, we will become sad, stressed and distant from others. That is why we must create strategies to inject us with energy and positivism.

Some of these strategies can be:

  • Practice yoga.
  • Mindfulness.
  • To take courses of emotional intelligence.
  • Exercise.
  • Short virtual meetings.
  • Giving support or advice to a co-worker.
  • Living together.
  • Reading.

5. Let's be in control of our lives.

Let's remember that everything around us is secondary, you must always keep in mind that you must be first you, second you and third you! Never leave that expression aside because work is important of course, but our mental health comes before everything else.

This is why we must learn to manage stress and understand that a positive attitude and willpower can help you get out of many difficult situations, obviously keeping in mind that there are always many support centers or activities that help us to work on ourselves.

Milena G.

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