What Does Resume Say About You?

A lot of people and employees are looking a good job and great salary conditions, usually candidates do not know how structure a good resume and It actually is your first impression between you and potential employers and can connect with HR decision makers can help you to increase probabilities to get the job. Whether they just brush it aside because it’s no different from others or whether they call you up to schedule an interview will depend on this.
Resume can say a lot of important information about candidates, how people can in structure personal information, experience and degrees can say a lot of candidates, but not necessary put extra information about goals, challenges or hobbies maybe not are a good idea to impress recruiters. Usually recruiters are looking for important details of candidates, job experience and degrees are information that companies are looking for hire.
Make a resume different that can attract attention is not difficult, is necessary put attention to details and how you are structuring resumes by blocks or paragraphs that can separate information in segments that allow a good interpretation and visual workflow of information. Define blocks by categories and sequences can illustrate a good interpretation and not waste time trying to discover what are you trying to explain.
How Structure a Good Resume?
#1: Keep it simple.
Don’t complicate your resume with over complicated layouts.
Rather, keep it simple and easy to comprehend. Many staffing agencies prefer to scan resumes with applications and software dedicated to this use. While your creative formatting may actually look fancy, it may make the content illegible and difficult to decode.
Structure a good resume is so easy and this guide can illustrate easier step by step how to do that, the first step is describe personal information about candidate, please do not put extra information that is not important in hiring process, recruiter need just personal contact information to know more about candidate or maybe a family member.
#2: Relevant information
Recruiter are hiring people with skills and abilities, please put attention in details about experience and education not commit the same common wrongs, usually candidates describe extra information and try to explain about not extraordinary skills that maybe not are necessary for job position, many candidates not investigate about company that are applying, this common mistake can be affect interaction to get a job, because usually recruiters always ask about why candidates are applying and what was principal motivation to apply to job.
#3: Design
Structure a good resume and look for a good design, usually people use a internet template but do not know about what template can choose about their personality and company culture, when a candidate apply to a job position is necessary look for company colors, logos and typography . If candidate use this element can catch recruiters attention. Use a simple template or create one with important elements and include little details of design and expose your personality with own details.
#4: Experience
Recruiters usually put more attention to work experience because this defines more than 50% of relevant information for companies, candidates should to explain more about last job titles and descriptions, if candidates offer an explained explication about last job responsibilities can illustrate more easier about skills and experiences of candidate. Define date of entry and exit of previous companies is important because recruiters can observe about last job period.
Usually candidate should to explain about references and recommendation of last jobs and describe more about person that recommend them, describe contact information and job relationship is important, because recruiters sometimes contact this references to prove job experience and last performance. Be honest with information and do not put familiars, friends or people that not have a job relationship.
Be consistent.
Professional resumes need to have consistent formatting. For instance, if you use bullet points to describe your responsibilities and achievements at one position, be sure to use bullet points in all other positions as well. Also, make certain that the bullet points are formatted the same way throughout. For example, don’t use circle bullet points in one section, and diamond bullet points in another section. Be consistent with font, font size, and style (such as the use of bold and italics).
Recruiter are looking for trained talent, usually hiring process in so long and candidates and recruiters not want to waste time and efforts in people that not are qualified, learn how to set up a good resume can reduce efforts to recruiters and short deadline to get good talent. If you want to know more how to post a job or apply a tech job positions visit 4Geeks Talent for candidates.